Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary

Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary

Meet Cassius

Cassius is charming boy who came to us under threat of the local government killing him, due to rumours of him being aggressive. He was a street dog that chose to live near a school, and as the holidays came to a close parents speculated he would be vicious and dangerous, most likely to due his black and tan color.

Cassius has been loving and loyal to us all since he was brought in, despite the blow-dart to the bum! He is blossoming into a fine young man and brings a confident and stable energy to the sanctuary. He can play rough and be gentle, and is unbelievably patient with puppies! Cassius has a big presence, and people often remember him being much bigger than his kg weight, and visitors quickly notice that little three-legged Lottie is absolutely the boss of their pen! Cassius is content and well-behaved (mostly!) inside the sanctuary, but we understand he misses his freedom: his face a picture of pure bliss on our morning walks as he can explore every sniff, and maybe swim in the lake, knowing he is protected from other dogs and people. 

Cassius is still young, born in 2020, obviously intelligent and very trainable. He would thrive in a doggie obedience school! We would love to see an active family adopt Cass and show him the world isn’t as mean when we look out for each other. If you can see Cassius as the companion for you then get in touch today!

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Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary