Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary

Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary

Meet Greta

Greta is a unique girl whose slow unveiling of her big character has been a pleasure for us all! Greta came from another sanctuary where her living conditions were substandard, and her terrible anxiety was worsening by the month. Greta needed lots of love and rehabilitation to give her a real chance at a quality life, and that’s where we came in!

Greta was battling depression, and was a very scared dog. We are proud to offer the space, structure, and care that Greta needed, and we have seen dramatic improvements in Greta by every measure! Greta lives with Hamilton, our strong but gentle patriarchal figure and the two laze about and enjoy a slow life together.

Since joining us in 2022 Greta has gone from hiding in the gutter at the back of her pen to smooshing herself into the fence and giving biggest puppy eyes, begging for scratches everytime you walk by. Greta is now open to love and has bonded with all of our staff and quickly trusts new volunteers – this was unimaginable when she first arrives and we are just so proud of her!

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Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary