Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary

Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary

Meet Sangkhla

Sangkhlaburi the town is serene and calm. Sangkhla the dog is not.

Sangkhla found her way to us after being dumped near Denise’s house. Ironically, at the time the topic of conversation was the creation of SAS and if this mammoth task was something we should even attempt. And just like a serendipitous sign from the universe this little darling poked her head around the back of the house and reminded us that there were more dogs than ever that needed help in Sangkhlaburi. Sangkhla put the fire in our bellies that day and her spark has never been dull so long as we’ve known her.

Sangkhla is strong willed and hilariously dramatic; she won’t hesitate to flop on the floor or roll her eyes (seriously!) if you’re not sharing your snacks or giving her enough cuddles. She is an easy-to-read dog who has an indescribable knack for letting you know exactly what she wants. Sangkhla is an absolute diva and likes to be reminded that she is your number one, although she’s a lot more independant in her older age. We feel her ideal home would be one where she’s top dog, but she has spent the majority of her life being little sister to 3 other dogs.

Sangkhla lives with Vicky in the volunteer house and as well as being constant source of entertainment, she is also a fun playmate for Sweetie. Nipper and Mack rarely acknowledge Sangkhla and it would be nice to see her find a better home, where she’s not treated as an invader by the older dogs she loves so much.

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Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary