Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary

Meet Vicky

Commuincations manager

Vicky came to volunteer with Denise for one week and two years later is still here! Vicky helps with the daily running of the sanctuary with walking, feeding, and cleaning, and also runs most of the social media. Vicky takes care of Nipper, Mack, Sweetie, and Sangkhla at the volunteer house and, despite the other bedrooms being empty due to covid, all 4 dogs can be found in Vicky’s bedroom. Mack even shares her bed – spoilt!

What is keeping you here for such a long time?
Watching tourists have an unforgetable experience in this beautiful town, seeing people bond with each other and with our animals as family for life, and knowing that what we do each day improves – or even saves – the lives of animals… I feel proud, lucky, and passionate being part of this project.

Who is your favourite dog and why?
It’s no secret that Mack and I are obsessed with each other. When I first met Mack he lived moslty under a kitchen unit and took a long time to relax around every new volunteer. It took a good few months but our bond slowly grew and now he’s a fiend for cuddles, and will bite me through the blankets demanding belly scratches. I see Mack for the loving, brave, appreciative boy he is and I feel very lucky to have him as my main man!

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Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary