Your Donations Save Lives!

Become a Patreon - Become a Sponsor

Please consider joining one of our monthly giving programs (we offer several). Your regular donation will help us secure a steady and reliable income flow, enabling us to meet essential day-to-day expenses such as rent, utilities, clinic supplies, outreach and more while ensuring we can always be ready, at a moment’s notice, to come to the aid of a suffering street dog in need! If you prefer, you can customize your monthly donation and even earmark it to help a specific dog (just scroll down).

Sanctuary "Supporter"

Sanctuary "Friend"

Sanctuary "Bestie"

Sanctuary "Benefactor"

Sanctuary "Hero"

Customize Your Monthly Donation

Tailor Your Recurring Donation To A Level That Is Most Comfortable For You

Please remember, regular dependable donations are what keep our sanctuary running day-to-day – your recurring support as a Patreon/Sponsor helps ensure that we can meet our ongoing expenses such as such as rent, utilities, clinic supplies, outreach and more – while always being ready to rush to the aid of a street dog in need. Any regular donation at any level is an immense help.

Other Ways To Donate

By Post

Make checks payable to:

Denise Emsley

Postal Address:

Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary
72/30 Moo 1, Nonglu, Sangkhlaburi, Kanchanaburi, 71240, Thailand.

By Bank Wire

Bank Address:

85,Sangchuto Rd, Ban Tai, Mueang Kanchanaburi, 71000, Thailand.

Bank Account Details:

Account Name: Denise Emsley
Bank name: Bangkok Bank
Swift: bkkbthbk
Sort Code: 60-93-98
Account Number: 3274124126

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Sangkhlaburi Animal Sanctuary